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MZG 1 ADET PENTA Torna Aracı PCHR Tutucu CNC Torna Tungsten Karbür
2022-10-06 14:30:50 Source: Author: 【Big Medium Small】 Browse:3Times Comment:0Item

MZG 1PC PENTA Turning Tool PCHR Holder CNC Lathe Tungsten Carbide Stainless Steel Machining Metal Working Groove Cutting Inserts

Product Application

Product Application:
1. PENTA grooving and cutting blades are suitable for steel or stainless steel processing;
2. Sharp blade, less resistance, enhanced cutting edge with good stability in cutting;
3. Sharp non-stick knife, smooth chip breaking with high-precision blade,reduce friction and loss effectively;
4. This product is made of alloy;
5. Complete specifications and sufficient inventory.

Product Information

Product Features
1. PENTA grooving and cutting blades are suitable for steel or stainless steel processing;
2. Sharp blade, less resistance, enhanced cutting edge with good stability in cutting;
3. Sharp non-stick knife, smooth chip breaking with high-precision blade,reduce friction and loss effectively;
4. This product is made of alloy;
5. Complete specifications and sufficient inventory.
Product Picture

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